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    • A full years access to our Member Resources
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Why Backpackers Love Our Membership

Whether it's gaining confidence with our guides, feeling safe with our maps or saving loads with deals, we're here to support you.

" Perfect for first-time backpackers like me! I landed in Ho Chi Minh feeling totally overwhelmed. I needed a SIM and the shop owners were shouting at me and waving. I remember reading about SIM cards on a guide and went straight for the one they had there. It saved me a ton of time and hassle. That's kind of the idea of what it does. Everything is designed take the stress away from travel. "

- Mei W, Laulima Member

" I've travelled Asia for years and now live in Bangkok. This is the most authentic brand for backpackers! "

- Luca R, Laulima Member
An example of the savings from using our member deals

Membership Pays For Itself From Just One Booking!

We're backpackers too and know your budget requirements. We've set a price point that's completely affordable for everyone (it's less than a coffee). At £1 p/m, it's easy to make back your membership fee instantly.

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  • What is Laulima Experience?
    We're the world's first marketplace built just for backpackers like you. We're all about helping you travel more for less and making the absolute most of your once in a lifetime trip. One of the coolest perks? Our yearly membership unlocks sweet discounts with hostels and awesome travel companies around the world. Basically, we're here to make your trip unforgettable...and affordable!
  • How much does the Experience Membership cost?
    The Experience Membership is just £11.99 per year – that's only £1 a month!
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